Thursday, November 20, 2008

Software Development Life Cycle

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - The process of the development of the application or software product is called the software development life cycle.

Phases of SDLC -
  1. Project Initiation (Clients identify their business requirements and provide it to the Software Company)
  2. Requirement Analysis and Gathering (Business Analysts fetch the requirement from clients to form the requirement document and Use Case document)
  3. System Design (The application design and layout is developed and documented by design team)
  4. System Development (The application will be coded and developed by the team of developers)/(The developers also perform unit tests after completing the development)
  5. System Testing (The application will be tested for functionality, navigation, security, and performance by the test team)
  6. User Acceptance Testing (The application will be tested by business users to make sure system is acceptable and meets business requirements)
  7. System Implementation/ Production (The application will be deployed in the production environment)
  8. System Maintenance (Bug fixes, Change Requests or New Requirements)

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